Hello everyone, we are laying here thinking about how we can't wait to get home in a couple of days. As you can see in the pics Mama and Papa got new hairdo's tonight. After the boy's had their bath and got their hair dried they decided Mama and Papa needed a new look.
Every night they say their prayers before they go to bed. They repeat after me or James. I love to hear them say "I love you Jesus". It is some of the sweetest words. They also pray before every meal.
Today we went to the big market to get enough supplies to last thru Tuesday night. Ben came and picked us up. He had 2 booster seats so we put the boys in them. They did great! We were afraid they would not like being buckled in but they actually liked it because they could see out better. We put each of them in a shopping cart when we got to the market. They were really good. Luke wanted to buy everything on the shelves. Micah would try to grab a few things but he would hand it to Mama. Ben helped us shop since we can't read the labels and some things you have no idea what it is. Tonight we were able to eat beef and mixed vegetables. We had no seasoning except salt and then James remembered we had Pepsi. The Pepsi caramelized in the pan and it tasted like Teryaki. The boys loved it. They would not eat any vegetables except the corn.
Rachel- we have a request. We plan on being at church next Sunday and the boys love "I Am A Friend of God". Will you please sing it that Sunday. The boys sing this all the time. They love all the songs from the Lakewood CD but that is their favorite.
Well, both boys have come in here and climbed in the bed with us so I guess it's back to getting them back in their bed and trying to get them to sleep. Their new game is to keep telling us they love us and giving us kisses so we want leave them. Until tomorrow.............
The Holcombe's