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Make a Smilebox slideshow |
This is our journal of our adoption from Ukraine. We started this adventure in February 2007. We are from Alabama. We have been married for approximately 6 years. We have adopted 2 boys. God gave us the desire and the mission to adopt from Ukraine so that we can provide a good Christian environment for our children and teach them about the love of Jesus. Please pray for us as we continue on this mission.
Monday, December 3, 2012
The Boy's Birthday Party 1-18-09
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Make a Smilebox slideshow |
Sorry for the delay in updating. Here's some pics of the boy's Birthday party at Chuck E Cheese in January. Micah turned 5 and Luke is 6.
Catching Up
Hello Everyone,
Sorry we have not blogged since getting home but we have been non-stop. We arrived home last Friday night. We spent Saturday catching up on rest and enjoying all the many blessings that our family and friends have blessed us with. I will add some pics later but the boys room looks great. Well, it did when we got home. There was a closet full of toys and a back yard full. Oh and under the bed and in bins. The boys were overwhelmed and have never seen so many toys in their life. Thanks Grandma! Their favorite is the trampoline and their bicycles.
They also have a closet full of clothes and shoes. Thanks Meme! Our boys will never have to wear the same clothes over and over again. They look so cute in all their outfits.
They are discovering new foods everyday. Thank goodness they love chips-n-salsa, mexican rice, dill pickles, popeyes chicken, coleslaw, mashed potatoes and corn. We had biscuits with apple jelly and they still like scrambled eggs. We are trying not to give them so much juice. They are also eating plenty of fruit.
We have found a daycare and they will start once we get their blue slip showing they have had all necessary imunizations. We are still trying to catch our breathe. We have taken the boys to Wal-mart and Dollar General. They also went to church last Sunday. It was a wonderful homecoming. They sung "I am a Friend of God" and Micah sang right along while raising his hand. Luke was very curious about all that was going on. We had a great lunch afterwards and thanks to Rick and Teri for the spiderman toys. Luke loves Spiderman.
Well, it's getting late and I'm learning that when the boys are sleeping we need to sleep. I'm hoping to go back to work late next week or by next Monday. James is going back this Monday. Thanks B&B for all your support!
We also want to take this time to thank everyone for all your prayers and donations. Thanks to our church family for your support and a great welcome home party. Thanks Debra Holbrook, we love you!! A special thanks to our Moms and Chris Gann for all your hard work at the house. Everything looks great! Thanks Sister Kathy, Miss Margie and Martha for your daily comments while we were in Ukraine. Thanks Lifeline for all your help. Jana and Donna we love you!
We will try not to wait too long to post again. I'll have to share our pics of the boys in their Sunday best and the first time they ate jello.
Sorry we have not blogged since getting home but we have been non-stop. We arrived home last Friday night. We spent Saturday catching up on rest and enjoying all the many blessings that our family and friends have blessed us with. I will add some pics later but the boys room looks great. Well, it did when we got home. There was a closet full of toys and a back yard full. Oh and under the bed and in bins. The boys were overwhelmed and have never seen so many toys in their life. Thanks Grandma! Their favorite is the trampoline and their bicycles.
They also have a closet full of clothes and shoes. Thanks Meme! Our boys will never have to wear the same clothes over and over again. They look so cute in all their outfits.
They are discovering new foods everyday. Thank goodness they love chips-n-salsa, mexican rice, dill pickles, popeyes chicken, coleslaw, mashed potatoes and corn. We had biscuits with apple jelly and they still like scrambled eggs. We are trying not to give them so much juice. They are also eating plenty of fruit.
We have found a daycare and they will start once we get their blue slip showing they have had all necessary imunizations. We are still trying to catch our breathe. We have taken the boys to Wal-mart and Dollar General. They also went to church last Sunday. It was a wonderful homecoming. They sung "I am a Friend of God" and Micah sang right along while raising his hand. Luke was very curious about all that was going on. We had a great lunch afterwards and thanks to Rick and Teri for the spiderman toys. Luke loves Spiderman.
Well, it's getting late and I'm learning that when the boys are sleeping we need to sleep. I'm hoping to go back to work late next week or by next Monday. James is going back this Monday. Thanks B&B for all your support!
We also want to take this time to thank everyone for all your prayers and donations. Thanks to our church family for your support and a great welcome home party. Thanks Debra Holbrook, we love you!! A special thanks to our Moms and Chris Gann for all your hard work at the house. Everything looks great! Thanks Sister Kathy, Miss Margie and Martha for your daily comments while we were in Ukraine. Thanks Lifeline for all your help. Jana and Donna we love you!
We will try not to wait too long to post again. I'll have to share our pics of the boys in their Sunday best and the first time they ate jello.
Chestnuts Roasting On An Open Fire.....

Hello everyone,
Well let me start out with some good news. We found out the boys passports are ready. We will pick them up tomorrow and take paperwork to the American Embassy. Hopefully we can also get our appointment for our interview with the Embassy tomorrow. We have several forms we have to complete there. The Embassy will issue the boys a Visa. More than likely they will not give it to us on the same day so we are planning on flying out on Thursday. We will let everyone know for sure after we go to the Embassy tomorrow. We are sooooo ready to come home.
We were able to add the pics tonight. The pictures of the buildings are some that James described to you in yesterday's blog. They have started building new buildings and restoring some of the old ones. That is chestnuts in the pics of the kids playing in the sandbox. There are chestnut trees everywhere here. In fact if not careful you will get beamed in the head with chestnuts when playing at the playground. We always start singing "Chestnuts roasting on an open fire....".
Tonight I fixed their favorite soup. Milk, noodles, sugar and butter. This is very popular in Ukraine and all the kids love it. They basically love any kind of soup. Everytime we cook they say "Ahhhh soup".
I'm feeling much better so thank you for your prayers. We stayed in all day since we have a big day ahead of us tomorrow. We can't wait to see everyone. Our journey has taught us many things: patience; faith; endurance; a stronger love for one another; a strenghthened friendship; to be more humble; and a new love for our children. God has used this journey to teach us so much that has made us stronger. We also learned how much home means to us.
Luke and Micah say "Hello Hope, Caleb and Kyle. See you soon!".
Keep us lifted up for tomorrow,
Penny, James, Luke and Micah
Good Bye Ukraine!!! Helloooooo Alabama, USA!!!
Hello, this is James, and YES we are sooooooo excited about leaving in the morning. We can't wait to see everyone. We have missed all of you sooooo much. Thanks again for all the prayers that have continually gone up, they have been awesome, we can feel them everyday and many have been answered. They have gotten us through. We love all the support from home and most of all from our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. We realize everyday that it has been all about glorifying Him most of all. These babies are a living testimony to the true love of God for his little children. We know we have a big adventure ahead of us with them but with a Father like the One we have in Heaven, we will definetly be blessed through the good and the not so good times. He never said it would be easy. Just look at the life of Jesus when he was on the earth and what he had to endure just to save us. And he is the Son of God! Time left on this earth is soooo short. Ask Jesus to come into your heart and save you. Repent of your sins and live for Him only and not worldly things. Make him #1 in your life before it's too late and you wind up in Hell burning for all eternity. This world of sin and disobedience to God is not worth it, is it?
Ok, we packed most of the morning and tried to take a little nap but we were just too excited, especially the boys. Ben came by and he told them in Russian that they were going to America tomorrow and the first thing that Luke asked him was, Are there any kids in America? It was precious. These boys get soooooooo excited just riding in a car, brushing their teeth, mama cooking a meal, using an ink pen, putting on clothes we have for them, looking out the window at cars going by, going to a grocery store and picking out what meat or dinner stuff to buy, and oh yea, taking a bath. This after Penny decided to go ahead and give them their back packs we bought them, for the trip. Well it was like you and me winning the lottery. They were sooooooo funny, I wish I had the camera out but I already had packed it. Then we went to a little grocery store just down the street and we bought our final meal in Ukraine. Guess what it was. Frozen pizza, hotdogs, and ice cream. Hotdogs and ice cream being their favorite. The pizza was for mama and papa. Rick and Melissa met us at the park earlier and they got a call that their 3 little one's passports got finished. Please be praying for their speedy departure from here also.
Well, we have to go to bed now. We have to leave for the airport at 4 a.m. in the morning here. The good Lord willing, we will be arriving at the Birmingham airport at 4:30 p.m. We can't wait to see our mom's faces when they see the boys for the first time. Thanks again for all the blog comments you've made and all the support you have given us. I hope we will get to see each and everyone of you soon and show you what your obedience to the Lord accomplished. Two little orphan boys that lived a terrible life with their birth mom, even to the point that she neglected them so bad that their little sister passed away. The government came in and took the boys out of that situation and put them into an orphanage. Their birth mom never even came to visit them, no family at all, until now. Now they have a mama and a papa, our families, our church family, and all our friends, and oh yes, 2 crazy dogs. They are no longer orphans and their names are not Volva and Oleg, but Luke and Micah Holcombe. We love you all very much and can't wait to see you.
The Holcombe Family
Ok, we packed most of the morning and tried to take a little nap but we were just too excited, especially the boys. Ben came by and he told them in Russian that they were going to America tomorrow and the first thing that Luke asked him was, Are there any kids in America? It was precious. These boys get soooooooo excited just riding in a car, brushing their teeth, mama cooking a meal, using an ink pen, putting on clothes we have for them, looking out the window at cars going by, going to a grocery store and picking out what meat or dinner stuff to buy, and oh yea, taking a bath. This after Penny decided to go ahead and give them their back packs we bought them, for the trip. Well it was like you and me winning the lottery. They were sooooooo funny, I wish I had the camera out but I already had packed it. Then we went to a little grocery store just down the street and we bought our final meal in Ukraine. Guess what it was. Frozen pizza, hotdogs, and ice cream. Hotdogs and ice cream being their favorite. The pizza was for mama and papa. Rick and Melissa met us at the park earlier and they got a call that their 3 little one's passports got finished. Please be praying for their speedy departure from here also.
Well, we have to go to bed now. We have to leave for the airport at 4 a.m. in the morning here. The good Lord willing, we will be arriving at the Birmingham airport at 4:30 p.m. We can't wait to see our mom's faces when they see the boys for the first time. Thanks again for all the blog comments you've made and all the support you have given us. I hope we will get to see each and everyone of you soon and show you what your obedience to the Lord accomplished. Two little orphan boys that lived a terrible life with their birth mom, even to the point that she neglected them so bad that their little sister passed away. The government came in and took the boys out of that situation and put them into an orphanage. Their birth mom never even came to visit them, no family at all, until now. Now they have a mama and a papa, our families, our church family, and all our friends, and oh yes, 2 crazy dogs. They are no longer orphans and their names are not Volva and Oleg, but Luke and Micah Holcombe. We love you all very much and can't wait to see you.
The Holcombe Family
Coming Home!!!!!!!
It's finally here. We are coming home on Thursday. We thought we could come home on Wednesday but there were no available flights. That's OK, we need a day to pack. We have been riding in a taxi with the boys all day. We went this morning and picked up the passports then off to the American Embassy. We went there and completed all our paperwork and paid our Visa fees. Since we got there before 12pm we were able to get an appointment today at 2pm. Everything went great and within 30 minutes we had their Visa's. Praise God!
Thank you everyone for prayers, comments and support! We love you all and will see you soon. We have a lot to do when we get home: apply for Social Security #s, doctor visit and get them registered for kindergarten.
Pastor and Kathy- I need a special prayer. I have been very sick today. Same symptoms I experienced before my gallbladder. Just pray that I don't get sick on the plane ride. Also, pray for our safety and that the boys don't freak out.
Moms and rest of our family- we can't wait to see your faces!
FWC gang- we will see you on Sunday!
Love The Holcombe's
Thank you everyone for prayers, comments and support! We love you all and will see you soon. We have a lot to do when we get home: apply for Social Security #s, doctor visit and get them registered for kindergarten.
Pastor and Kathy- I need a special prayer. I have been very sick today. Same symptoms I experienced before my gallbladder. Just pray that I don't get sick on the plane ride. Also, pray for our safety and that the boys don't freak out.
Moms and rest of our family- we can't wait to see your faces!
FWC gang- we will see you on Sunday!
Love The Holcombe's
Monday, August 27, 2012
Monday, July 2, 2012
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