Well, we have had another busy day. We had to travel to Micah's birth city. It was about 2 hours away. The drives are pretty stressful. At times we are going about 120 mph. There is a lot of traffic and we had at least one close call. I'm sure that angel got his wing clipped. I don't think we've ever prayed this much for God's protection as we have during this time. Between the cab rides and the road trips our angels have been on overtime. I think they work in shifts.
The picture of the septic truck may not seem funny unless you can read Russian. Someone wrote honey on it and drew a picture of a bee. That's Ukrainian humor. Ha ha
There are several pictures above of our road trip. When we got to the government office we were asked several questions and then received some information that threw another glitch in the process. We prefer not to say what it is but all is going to work out. (Jana please call us and we will explain everything)
We were at the government office for about 15 minutes and then got right back in the car and drove back to our region. We had to go back by the Inspector's office and pick up our dossier to make another copy. Natalia and her husband drove us and when we got all the needed paperwork they drove back to the region where Micah was born.
Please pray that this does not delay us getting a court date. We are hoping to get one next week. You would not believe all the paperwork that it takes to go thru for an adoption. I don't think anyone in this country has a fax machine. We don't realize what a wonderful invention it is.
After we got back we went to visit with the boys. Their English is getting much better. Today Luke started calling his brother Micah. They are repeating a lot more English today. The picture of Luke with his finger over his mouth is because he and Papa had a secret. Papa let him drink out of our water bottle after he had finished his juice. They would look at each other and put their finger over their mouth and say "shhh".
The boys play very well together and Luke watches out for Micah. They both love grape juice and always race to see who will finish their juice 1st. We will definitely have to put pull ups on them coming home since they are not used to drinking so much. The picture of Micah's shoe is to show everyone the type of shoes the children have to wear. His toe sticks out the end of it. We can't wait to put them in their new clothes and shoes. Just think they will never have to wear shoes with holes in them again once we pick them up. Also, all the toys in the orphanage are bits and pieces of toys. They look like the land of misfit toys. Luke came out today with 1/2 of a motorcycle and was very proud of it. The tricycles need WD40 and the handlebars are twisted and need tightening but they can't be fixed.
When we went to leave today we smacked our lips and Micah gave us both a kiss and ran back into his room. We took Luke to his room and he changed his shirt and shoes and he started to back up to James to let him hug him. James turned him around and showed him how to put his arms around our neck. He then came to me and put his arms around my neck and hugged me. We truly love our boys.
We appreciate all comments, they keep us going! For those who don't know how (Pastor)
just click on comments at the end of each blog and a screen will come up for you to leave your comments.
Allison- I love the book you gave me. I have really enjoyed reading it while I'm here. James is really missing his Route44 fix.
Mom- give Big Jake a kiss and a hug from Aunt Penny, Uncle James, Luke and Micah. I know the boys will love their new things and love their Meme.
Chris G- Thank you for being Betty's substitute son while James is gone. Thank you for helping out at the house. We can't wait for the boys to meet their Godfather.
Betty- thanks for giving Eli (FE FE) hugs and kisses and holding him. Also, thanks for all you are doing we appreciate it. We can't wait for you to meet your new granchildren.
Love to Everyone!!
War Eagle Jon!!! From Penny not James
James says Go Noles (whatever)