Hello Everyone,
We have had a very good day. We started out with our usual routine; breakfast at 8:30; taxi at 9:00am and then off to the orphanage to visit with the boys. The boys are about to go stir crazy. None of the kids have been able to go outside and play because of the rain and being too cold.
We wrestled; played and the boys ate pears. Today I gave them sugar free gum to chew to see what they would do. They both chewed it but it was a little hot for Micah (spearmint). Luke spit his out and wanted more but when we wouldn't give him more he whined to his caregiver (see picture above) and she went and got him more. Oh well, that's the language barrier. Micah got in trouble several times but in the end he always ends up laughing and gives us both big kisses.
We left the orphanage and started hearing car horns blowing. There were cars behind us going to a wedding. On top of the car are wedding rings and rest is decorated with flowers and streamers. They were bringing the groom to the wedding. Tola pulled over and told us to take pictures. There were actually 3 weddings going on. We got there just in time to see the groom carry out the bride and kiss. Everyone was holding up flowers instead of blowing bubbles or throwing rice. I have another picture of the traditional wedding bread called korovay. I will have to add that picture later because the button for adding pics stopped working.
We went to a toy store that Melissa and Rick found. It was really neat and the toys are pretty cheap. We got a few more things for the boys so they will have plenty to play with when we get back to Kiev.
We left the toy store and went to the supermarket (see pictures above). There are 3 stories. On the 1st floor there is a cell phone place, ATM's and a supermarket. You cannot carry anything into the supermarket that you bought somewhere else or carry in a backpack. Ladies are allowed to take in their purses. You have to lock up your things in a locker. There are security guards standing up from to make sure you don't bring anything in. You have to purchase bags or brings them with you like our Aldi stores. After you check out you can bag everything and go to your locker to get anything you may have locked up. On the 2nd floor there is an electronics store. This is where I bought me a hairdryer for about 12.00 American dollars. They have clothing stores, jewelry and a health and beauty aids store. On the 3rd floor there is a casino and restaurant.
Mom and Betty- we have added a picture of Tola our favorite driver. Don't fight over him ladies!
Tonight after dinner we went out from to see a little puppy that was in a box in the vestibule. She looks like a lab. Melissa fed her some mystery meat and she gobbled it all up. She has 6 toes on her back feet. I don't recall that being normal. We will try to get a picture of her tomorrow if she is still there. Also, a cat came up and James stratched her head. She wouldn't go away. She was so pitiful because she could not even meow. While we were sitting there several people kept coming outside and everyone was trying to feed the puppy. A man came out and said something to me in Russian and grabbed my hand to help me stand up. I don't know if he was saying I was getting dirty or if he was saying my backside would get cold but as I was wiping off my pants he brushed his hand across my backside to help me. I was gropped by a Russian senior citizen. We all laughed about it.
Well it's time for bed and James is sitting here trying to get one of the boys toys to work. We think we realize now why they were acting like they did not want us to buy it at the toy store. Also, why it was marked down 20 grivna.
Aultman's- I can picture Las Brisas and I can't wait to go there when we get back home. I miss Mexican food!
Jon and Pam- Let me know about the Auburn game. I hear you also have some news.
FWC- We miss you and wish we could be there worshipping with you tomorrow.
Chris G- James keeps trying to pick you out a girlfriend.
Love and miss everyone,
Penny, James, Luke and Micah