Hello everyone,
Well let me start out with some good news. We found out the boys passports are ready. We will pick them up tomorrow and take paperwork to the American Embassy. Hopefully we can also get our appointment for our interview with the Embassy tomorrow. We have several forms we have to complete there. The Embassy will issue the boys a Visa. More than likely they will not give it to us on the same day so we are planning on flying out on Thursday. We will let everyone know for sure after we go to the Embassy tomorrow. We are sooooo ready to come home.
We were able to add the pics tonight. The pictures of the buildings are some that James described to you in yesterday's blog. They have started building new buildings and restoring some of the old ones. That is chestnuts in the pics of the kids playing in the sandbox. There are chestnut trees everywhere here. In fact if not careful you will get beamed in the head with chestnuts when playing at the playground. We always start singing "Chestnuts roasting on an open fire....".
Tonight I fixed their favorite soup. Milk, noodles, sugar and butter. This is very popular in Ukraine and all the kids love it. They basically love any kind of soup. Everytime we cook they say "Ahhhh soup".
I'm feeling much better so thank you for your prayers. We stayed in all day since we have a big day ahead of us tomorrow. We can't wait to see everyone. Our journey has taught us many things: patience; faith; endurance; a stronger love for one another; a strenghthened friendship; to be more humble; and a new love for our children. God has used this journey to teach us so much that has made us stronger. We also learned how much home means to us.
Luke and Micah say "Hello Hope, Caleb and Kyle. See you soon!".
Keep us lifted up for tomorrow,
Penny, James, Luke and Micah
It is almost here - thank you Lord!!!! It will be so exciting when you get home. I am not sure whose face will be showing the most delight the grownups or the boys. Seeing everything through their eyes when you get home will open up another new world for both you and James. The things so many children take so blase' here will be so exciting for Luke and Micah. God is so Good and so Loving and Wonderful. He is Amazing. Love to you all.
Yea!! Passports in hand! Just one more hurdle to cross and you're home. Brenda and Don Coburn say hello! Don says hurry home - he needs a gun deal from the pawn shop - haha. Don also says to tell you James that he just finished a big juicy hamburger and there's one waiting for you when you get here. haha. Alan Pruitt says hi! they are all in the office now. Don had tried to blog you or email and couldn't quite get it to work. Just about my favorite Christmas song "Chestnuts roasting on an open fire!!"
Love it. You know some of these pictures capture me - the people - the old streets and the buildings - it really presses my heart to pray for that region of the world. We are so looking forward to this thursday - friday!!! HUGE UNDERSTATEMENT!!
We love you!
ok NOW it's tomorrow.
Cooper is down for his morning nap - Caleb is at school and I have a few minutes 'till the snooper wakes up. You have the day almost behind you and I hope all has gone smoothly. Much prayers are going up - our prayer team met last night and wow - we had quite a few folks there and you better believe that we prayed for you guys.
I look forward to what you have to tell us today. I know I have just hung on every word you have posted here and moreso in the last few weeks ! I have to remind myself that you actually have other things to do besides blog us every few minutes - - whew - - the waiting has given us all a workout too! Maybe we all have gained a lot of patience in this!!
Get this - Cooper began crawling this week!! Yep - - little knees are on the move!! AND HIS FIRST TOOTH THIS WEEK! That Little fella really worked hard this week. :O)
Caleb is so excited that he's crawling - every time Cooper moves Caleb squeals and laughs and is saying "Look Nana - there he goes!"
Today's assignment for the Mama and the Papa is this - you both deserve a back rub - you've worked hard and you need to indulge yourself just a little. It'll get you ready for the plane ride - and destress you. You have to decide who goes first or maybe Flip a coin - but the last one HAS to do his/her part - you can't back out in the middle. :O) Yep - I can hear the Lord in that. HAHA.
We are finally counting down for real.
You know me - if I find another minute today - - I'll probably check back in with you.
We are looking forward to meeting you!
Hello again...... Hope says "I love you, I like you all the time"
Her words. Well it shouldn't be long now until you can kiss the ground of the USA and I know you are ready for that. The boys are in for an exciting time. They can experience their first american halloween this year. Leah has planned some good things at the church festival. I hope you are having a good day. I have to go and peel Trey a toe toe (tomato).
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