Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Pics from Tuesday and Wednesday

Good Evening,

We have had 2 busy days. Yesterday we visted with the boys twice. Natalia measured them so would could go buy some clothes. Micah picked up some glass from a broken beer bottle and we had to administer some 1st aid. He will pick up anything and everything.

Luke got in trouble today for the 1st time. He picked up an empty beer bottle and was hitting it on the ground. James told him no but he ran so he got in trouble. He is so tender-hearted. He cried and cried when James got on to him. After sitting with Mama for a while he got over it and went back to play with Papa.

I want to say a big thank you to everyone who prayed for me. Pastor-thanks for calling and praying for me last night. I'm feeling much better today.

We went to an open market outside today and bought the boys some clothes. When we pick them up from the orphanage they cannot take anything with them. You can exchange if you want to. We did pretty good. We got 2 pair of shorts, 4 t-shirts, 2 long sleeve tops, 2 pair of tennis shoes, sock and underwear all for around $60. You know me Mom, I'm a bargain shopper like you.

We will go to the orphanage in the morning to pick up the paperwork from the Director. Natalia's husband is coming to pick us up and drive us to Kiev. We will look for a notary and file the paperwork for a court date.

Please pray that we will get one very soon. Once we have our hearing we have a 10 day wait and on the 11th day the boys are ours. That is when we get their passports, medical exam etc.

Enjoy the pictures- those are hand carved dwarfs from snowwhite and the 7 dwarfs. There are pictures of some of Luke's friends. Also, there is a picture of Micah holding his caregivers hand going into the building to get his finger doctored. They put some kind of green medicine on it. The grapevine is beautiful that they are walking under and is full of grapes.

We found out today that Micah's birthday is December 18, 2003 and Luke is December 25, 2002. They are not even a full year apart. Can you believe we have 2 boys and both birthdays are in December and one on Christmas. We love them so much and continue to bond more and more each day.

I don't know if I will get to blog tomorrow. It depends on when we return from Kiev.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

God bless and Keep you both .My heart is full of hope and paryer.Your boys a great.I and my husband adopted two boys.I thank God for letting me know how great his love is through gaving us our boys.We also have a daughter and she is great too.Oh! I am sorry you may not remenber me but I work with your great MOM. My name is Doris Davis see the Holcombe's family of four when you allget home.