3 days and counting! We cannot wait to pick up our boys on Friday. The closer it gets the more excited we are. Today we started going thru our suitcases and getting things organized to pack. We have 2 more nights of listening to "Chocalatte", "Chicken Dance" and "Hokey Pokey". We can't wait to get back to Kiev for a change of scenery. Although we have very much appreciated having 3 square meals a day, we will be able to cook our own meals at the apartment in Kiev. (no mystery meat) I'm already wondering what will the boys like. Will they eat Mac and cheese like most kids? That will be the things we will figure out once they are finally with us. I'm sure we will make a run to McDonald's and TGIFriday's when we get to Kiev.
We picked out the clothes we will be taking with us when we pick them up. We also took their coats we bought today and let them try them on. We let Luke pick his out first and it fit him perfect. Micah liked his but the sleeves were a little short. Oh well, it will do for the couple of days that he will need it. The weather has been much nicer the past few days. Tomorrow's high is supposed to be around 64.
We are planning a party for both Micah and Luke's group. We are going to go to the outdoor market to get cookies that are decorated real pretty with icing. We will also take juice. We were going to get a cake but we're unsure if it will have alcohol in it so we don't want to take any chances. We brought stuffed animals with us and are planning on going to the toy store to get some balls to give out to the kids on Thursday.
Kathy- By the way, I am 100% better. I hope you got to eat a bite of breakfast. Thank you and everyone for all your prayers.
Martha- Thank you again for your daily comments. They mean so much to us.
Good news about the other couple here from Alabama. They will have their court date on Thursday at 1pm. Praise God!! Thanks for all your prayers!!
Notice the pic of our orphan puppy. She has grown so much since we have been here. James fed her some marshmallows today while we were waiting on a taxi. There are no leash laws here and stray dogs run around everywhere. I tried to take a picture of some of the beautiful flowers here but I think I got a little too close.
We are going on 3 days with no hot water. We have to heat up water in an electric pot and take sponge baths right now. Calgon take me away!!!
Well, it's about 11 pm here so time for us to get to bed.
In His Love,
Penny, James, Luke and Micah
Well you haven't been asleep long and I hope you are dreaming of Friday's excitement. If the guys don't like mac and cheese, I'll be surprised. I can feel your excitement on your blogs and I am getting so excited with you I can barely type. That puppy probably would love to come home with James too. The pics are wonderful and you can see the boys just blossoming with all the love. Keeping you lifted up.
Hey you guy's,
We will see you when you get home. Have a safe trip back..
I've left Pastor in the kitchen doing the dishes - hee hee. AND it is getting pretty noisy - - hmmm. I think it's an attempt to lure me back in there. :O)
I'll kick back in in a few minutes when my tomatoes come to a boil. I'm canning some tomatoes tonight. Well - Kasey Hayes had a wreck today. SHE'S FINE. She went and got checked out. Head got bumped but it turned out ok. We've decided that the Roebucks probably need bumper cars to ride in for a while . . . ha ha. Seriously tho' we are covering them in prayer - just kinda unnerving - these accidents. So - we'll be getting ready to turn in in a little while - and you'll be getting up in a few hours. Whew! That's wild! You'll already be in a wednesday and we'll still be in tuesday. That's just weird. Love the flower. love the puppy. You two remind me of Rachel. She is all over the animals that "need" attention. I told Randy he'd have to guard her or they'd wind up with a zoo on their hands. :o)
COUNTING DOWN!!!! I feel like I already know these little guys. They have wiggled into my heart and have never even touched me or spoken to me - yet there they are firmly implanted in my heart. AND I know that everyone that's been following this blog feels the same way. The FWC folks definitely do! Looking so forward to your return. The Lord bless you and keep you safe and bring you home to us soon. AMEN
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