Another day down and 1 more days to go. We had a good-bye party for the dogs at the orphanage today. All 3 came over to the playground we were on and what started with throwing a few bagel bites to the puppy and Rin Tin Tin brought out the other dog. The kids threw them all the bagel bites and then started giving them cereal. Before you knew it, the bag broke and cereal was everywhere. The dogs loved it! Melissa and Rick joined us with Vysa and Alona. They started feeding the dogs bread. Luke is very frightened of dogs so it was a chance for us to get him closer to them and let him feed them. We finally got more smiles than tears out of him. These orphan animals have been comfort to us while visiting with our boys everyday.
Micah was his usual self today. He has had a runny nose so I think he is a little more irritable than usual. We finally got all the kids running and sliding so he joined in. It's always difficult when you give them something and then have to take it back and try explaining you will bring it the next day. All we have to do with Luke is point to his hat and say zatra (tomorrow) and he understands. With Micah it's a little tougher getting him to agree.The weather was beautiful and we had a good day playing outside for what may be the last time.
Before we got to the orphanage we had Tola take us to the local toy store to pick up some toys to leave at the orphanage tomorrow. Oh, by the way Tola got a new hair-do. He had all of his hair shaved off. He said he went to get a haircut and they cut it too short so he got it buzzed off. We started calling him "Richard". Rick's full name is Richard and that is what he calls him. We had a really good laugh. Tola gave us all an ink pens from the Pro Credit Bank here in Bila Tservka so we would have something from Ukraine. He is so sweet. Also, when he picked us up from the orphanage he brought us a bag of walnuts from his farm. We plan on putting them in a bowl at Christmas.
Tola took us to the open market so we could get some cookies and juice for the party we will have for the kids tomorrow. We had to go to 2 different stands to get the juice and we found 1 box of the cookies we wanted but had to go from vendor to vendor looking for another box. The cookies are decorated really pretty and are very popular. While we were walking and looking the lady we bought the 1st box from came and let me know she found another box for us. That's the 2nd time something like that has happened there. That's God's favor!! While we were paying for them a man walked up and told the woman he wanted a box of them (pointing at mine). James said let's get out of here before he tries to get our cookies. I think he was going to offer to buy them from us. All in all everything cost us about 15.00 USD to throw the party. That's pretty cheap.
While we were cookie shopping Tola took Rick and Melissa to buy sunflower seeds. They roast the seeds and sell them in the market. You can sample the different ones. I could not tell a difference in the flavor except they have no salt. He also took Rick into one of the places that sells meat. He got Rick to try silo. This is pork fat but is a delicacy here in Ukraine. We did not get to witness this so when we got back in the taxi Tola said Rick silo and then he made a funny face and started laughing. We just all cracked up.
This was our last time to get to ride with Tola. I think we will miss him the most. He is a very sweet, kind and gentle man. James gave him a $1.00 bill and he loved it. He understood that we will be going back to Kiev on Friday so we said our good-byes and gave hugs. Sorry ladies, Tola is not single. He is married and has 2 grandchildren. He is 56 years old. Bila Tservka is a better place with Tola in it.
We bought 6 balls and 24 plastic Slinky's. We also brought some stuffed animals with us to give out. We will be leaving some of the toys we bought the boys like the bag of army men and the sand toys.
Tomorrow will be a bittersweet day. We can't wait to get our boys and get to Kiev but also we will miss all the little faces we see everyday. Their smiles, the look in their precious eyes and hearing them all call us Mama and Papa will forever be in our memories. We plan on praying for each and everyone of them as we go around the room and give out hugs tomorrow. Rick and Melissa will be there and they plan on taking pictures and running the video camera for us. Thanks guys for all your help! We will never forget the place that raised our children for 2 years.
We will blog tomorrow night and let everyone know how it went. Keep us in your prayers as you are all in ours.
Mom's it's getting closer and we can't wait to see your faces.
In His Love,
Penny, James, Luke and Micah
It's finally here! It's finally here! You're coming home!! Ok - it's nearly thursday there and man - - - just get through that one!!! WAHOO!!!!!!!! Happy happy joy joy!! happy dance!! happy dance! Just get packed up - - no strange moves in the airport James- hold the dance till you get home - we wouldn't want the security to think you were weird. Just be calm and then when you get home - - - -HAPPY HAPPY DANCE DANCE!!! haha
Well - getting ready for Wednesday night church - - love you much!
I may blog again when I get home
Wow it is HERE!! Thank you Lord!!!! God is so amazing. I know it will be difficult to leave the other children and my prayers will be with you during this bitter sweet time. But these children are so blessed to have had you around them for this short time. Think of all the prayers that have been offered up and will continue to be offered up. Our Father hears them all. I am so excited you are soon on your way to Alabama. Then when you get back here, everyone wants to see some of those dancing moves James. Yes that one we will keep talking about. Take care and you are in my prayers. Be careful but when you get on the plane to come home tell the pilot to step on the gas that you have people waiting.
I love you all and we are thinking of you. HANG ON TO JESUS, HE'LL GO WITH YOU ALL THE WAY.
God bless you
Miss Margie
Back home from Wednesday Night church and the talk of the night was you all. Michelle has your picture on her frig - - covering you in prayer all the time. Several were kinda tearful tonight thinking bout ya'll. We all agreed that if we had the money - - we'd empty out that orphanage!! Specially Michelle. She's got a heart big as Texas. She'd take em all if she could. Man, I really praise God for her.
It's probably in the early morning hours there - - AND IT'S THURSDAY THERE!!!!!!!!!!! WOW! I just can't help but feel that Christmas morning feeling!! Now Exactly what day will you be back in the US? I remember you said you had to get passports for the boys - - so how does it figure up in days??
I feel like a little kid saying "Are we there yet??"
OK - -write that down - - you'll begin to hear that phrase - soon as they learn the language. Leah says it comes very quickly!! She had a little boy from Japan in her class one year and by the end of the year - - it was amazing how well he could communicate. I have Caleb tonight - his papa is suppose to be getting him in bed - - but all of a sudden - - My copier is printing up a storm and a little yellow headed boy is making havoc of my office - me thinks papa let him out - - - so I'm chasing him back to bed and holding him down. haha Love you
Congratulations James and Penny! We are so excited for you two! We hope to be following you to Kiev soon. We really appreciated your post for us last night. We read the devotional and thought it to be beneficial. We appreciate your fellowship with us so much- we'll miss you when you leave! We will have a great time tonight at your party. We will be looking at those pictures for the rest of our lives with great memories...
Leah may have told you already - - but as she reads your blog she gets more and more emotional about those children.
I believe heaven will be bombarded with prayers for the children there. If the money were there - we'd probably have a caravan of FWC folks lined up!
It's Thursday morning here and probably late afternoon there - - -you may be partying now. Wow. What a blessing for the babies. THey will know that there is someone else in the world that loves them and will always think of them and pray for them.
Cooper just gagged himself with his fist and has now spit up on my leg - so I think I may have to take a break and run and clean up.
:O) love you
PLEASE PASS THIS TO RICK AND MELISSA. I tried to blog on their blog but couldn't get past the login thing. But I've looked at the pictures of their new babies and wow - they are beautiful. How blessed! We will continue to hold them up in prayer because the journey now begins. Raising kids is a blessing and a job - a job that we never really quite let go of. My girls are now 30 and 26 and I still see my babies and if they need me - -man - I'm there!!
I just wanted to tell Rick and Melissa how beautiful their new family is.
Kathy Gidley
Faith Worship Center
(pastor's wife)
Only about 12 more hours right?!!!!!!!!!!! How exciting!!! Break them out:) We love you guys and can't wait til you get home!
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