Hello again from Bila Tservka, Ukraine. Wow, it's been over 6 weeks since we left Birmingham and we are sooooooo ready to come home. It's amazing how much we think we appreciate what God has given us until we are away from it for so long. I think of even small things like our front door knob right on down to my favorite coffee cup. Having hot water whenever we want it and being able to go and come as we please without calling for a taxi. We really do take everything for granted sometimes you know. Wow, we have such a different outlook on things now and we realize how much more we rely on our Father and Savior in Heaven. How our faith has grown.
We sure do miss all of you and thanks so much for all the prayers and comments on here. It really does keep us going. We thank God every day for all the people that have made this possible for us. I know that all belongs to God, but I do know that you give of your own free will. So thanks and God bless you all. We love you.
Penny was gonna blog tonight but we have been in all day because she has been sick. I think it was something she must have ate. You never know what your eating here sometimes and I don't think that they regulate things very much here. Please pray for her. Your prayers for us has been answered so many times here. I can't wait to get back to give you that testimony.
The pictures here are from yesterday. They were the ones that didn't get put on due to there being so many. We truly did have a great day yesterday and praise God for it. We needed a day off from Ground Hog day. The first pics you see are of the White Church which the town is named after. (Bila Tservka means white church) And we also have a pic there off the bridge between the church and the museum we visited. The pic of the city there is looking back at the main part of town. The pic of the building that is not a church is of the outside of the museum. They would not let us take pics inside and I wish they had, it was really nice. The pic of the statue is of a guy and his last name is Timchenko (same as our boys birth name, weird huh) and he is a very famous guy (I think maybe the first president or something) here. Who knows, maybe the boys are have an inheritance here and own the town. Wow, we could be rich. No, just kidding. Before the church and museum Tola took us to a restaurant name Count of Monte Cristo and the menu was all in Russian and so we just guess at some we ordered and managed to figure out how to order chicken and potatos. It was all great food. And, the restaurant was really nice and for the first time the restrooms had toilets in them and not just a hole in the floor. (BIG improvement and we will be back!! LOL) There are some more pics of us in the big historical park and I did put a pic of a map in there. Try to read it, we did and we still don't know what we saw and were we went. But we had a great time trying to figure it out. It was beautiful. Our taxi driver, Tola, did the best he could at being our guide for the day even know he speaks Russian. We are getting very good at cherades over here. We will put the challenge out to anyone when we get back to play. LOL There is one pic of an actual Russian Mig jet that we pass buy every day going to the orphanage and we finally got to get out and take a pic of it. Also, there is a WWII Russian tank in a pic. There is also some pics of our boys from yesterday. They are so great and I never knew how much I would love them. They are a true blessing from God and I can't wait for you all to meet them.
Well, I have to go now (not like we have anything to do, but I'm getting sleepy and Penny is already asleep, it's almost 11pm here). Pray for us this week. We are so excited about it because we get our guys Friday if there are no delays. (the Lord willing there won't be, he knows our hearts) Have a blessed rest of the Sunday and goodbuy from James (Papa), Penny (Mama), James Luke and Micha Paul Holcombe.
Well you are both sound asleep as I write this. I pray that Penny will wake up feeling great and totally refreshed. My little guy (grandson, Gavin) is asleep up stairs on the couch with Papa James watching over him. He came home with us from lunch and after a little bit of play time, he fell asleep watching Sponge Bob, I should have called Bro. Mark and told him it was on. Cause we all know how much he adores Sponge Bob. I know how wonderful it is to know that the end is in sight and that you will be picking up the boys on Friday. And yes my prayer is that there will be no delay and all the paper work will be exactly as needed. You will be getting back to nearly perfect weather for playing with boys. Especially boys that love to play outside with their Papa. Penny you are going to have so much fun watching the guys wrestle in your own back yard while you prepare for the "I am hungry, what's to eat?" questions. Yes James we do take so much of what God has given us for granted. On top of getting your wonderful sons, God has given you both such a wonderful opportunity to experience His provision, both here and over there. Wow!!What a gift. Be blessed and know that you are loved and you are in my prayers. Give each other a great big hug and repeat after me - This is from Martha.
Hello Holcombs!! All 4 of you! Wow - I just had a thought - you're seating arrangement will change. THe cars will now have carseats. Ha!! It's ok. My whole back seat is full of carseats and baby stuff!!! Love it. Just love it! Get ready for just a little chaos - it does us good sometimes and when it hits - just remember they do outgrow it. Well - I forgot . . . they are boys. Ok - so chaos is now a part of life. hee hee. Oh what joy.
I think everyone needs to travel somewhere outside the US just one time - they would be so much more content! I was like you - in Belize - I wondered what folks did for restrooms - - - there were none - just in the hotel room. man that's just plain torture!
I've gotta run. We just got a call to the hospital. I'll blog some more after we get back. Love to you
I have no idea what time it is there - - maybe about 6:00 or so???
You'll have a few days of trying to readjust to the day and night thing cause we're just getting ready to lay down when you're getting ready to get up!
Today has just been an awesome day!
We had friend day and the house was packed. It was so fun. Mark played the little song from Toy Story "you gotta a friend in me" while we greeted all our friends - - it was fun. sermon was "Devilproof your life" :O)
A gotcha sermon for sure!!
We really missed you!! Chris is looking rather lost without you James!! But he's brave and holding out. :O) The hospital run was for Johnny Adams. His mom was taken to the hospital with Chest pains. She was doing pretty well when we left. Just pray for her. Tommy Roebuck had a wreck. He's ok - broke a few ribs and bruised his heart but he was at church with bells on! you know Tommy - he's a real trooper. GET THIS - my brother and Donna were at church today! Yipee! My Mom had 2 rows of folks for friend day!
Maybe I've caught you up on some of the news of our FWC family.
Love you
Caleb is at school - well actually he is on a field trip this morning - Pumpkin Patch in Huntsville. Yep, Leah and Alan both took the day to go with him. Cooper's down for a nap this morning - so I have a minute.
I will have to take him to the doctor this morning. He was up crying quite a bit last night pulling at his ear.
How's Penny feeling? Much better I hope. We will continue the prayers! It's monday morning here but you have almost got monday behind you - wow! soooooo What day are we on??? Just a few more in sight!!! WE CAN SEE THE END! WAHOO!
I love seeing the pictures!!
I just had a HUGE thought! You'll have FAMILY PICTURES now with KIDS! Christmas pictures with kids and stuff everywhere! YEA! You're going to join the rest of us crazy folks that have massive chaos on Christmas!!! It's great!
Penny - you know James will get to be a boy again. (but then they never really grow up - they just get taller - haha)
love you!
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