Howdy from Ukraine. This is your ol' buddy James bloggin again on this here plastic contraption. I shoooooo is bored and home sick. You might be a redneck in Ukraine if your soooo bored that you make up words and dance around the room singing them and your wife looks at you and says, "Have you lost your mind?" I haven't lost it yet, but my mind does stay either on Heaven and Jesus or just good ol' Alabama. Of course it is always on my lovely, wonderful, caring, sensational, and charming wife. (Just in case she reads or is watching me type this!! : ) ) And of course our 2 wonderful boys. How we love them. I can't even begin to tell you.
Well, today was a great day at the orphanage. Yes we did go today because Penny was so much better (but she is still a little under the weather, so keep up the prayers) and the sun was actually shinning and it was in the high 50's. They always bundle up even when in the 50's so Micah put on his long pants over his shorts and of course the long pants were too small and as you can see in the pics, kept falling off. Luke's pants on the other hand were way too big and kept falling down also. The clothes here are donated and they have to wear them too big or small sometimes and even the boys wear girls clothes and the girls wear boys. I feel so sorry for them sometimes that it really does hurt. I wish we could take them all home. The are all so special in their own way. I just pray every day that someone comes for them soon. The older they get they have a much less chance of getting a home. I know I've said before that many of them have called us mama and papa, they do. It is going to hurt so bad when we pic up our boys Friday and leave to never see them again. We have spent over 5 weeks with seeing them every day and spending time with them. They almost feel like ours also.
Back to the day we had with the boys. When we got to the playground there was an old lady with her goats on the other side of the fence. She has been there many times but is always watching us so I don't dare take a pic of her. They don't like their picture taking here in Ukraine usually unless you have business with them or if you ask for their permission. I did ask a lady at the outdoor market about taking her picture and she declined. I think she thought the FDA would come after here because she had pigs legs on the hoof, jack rabbits with their fuzzy feet still on and many other critters their just waiting to be supper on your table. The only bad part was that it wasn't really that cold and.......... you know the rest. Ok, I have gotten off track again. Where were we? Oh yea, orphanage. We bought the boys a new shapka (cap in english) and you can see them in the pics. They went crazy over them. They had snoopy on them with little foot prints. Maybe they will stay away from papa's cap now. Now if they will just leave my shoes alone. LOL Luke invented a new game today for us to play. It was the "Sit-on-the-ball-and-let-papa-kick-it-out-from-under-him-game". Of course it didn't take long for Micah to get in on the action and even Vysa (Rick and Melissa's little boy) got in on it. Vysa put on the funniest dance today also. It is in the pic with him on the bridge. We laughed so hard. He is so precious. We brought a chocolate bar today for the boys and Luke loved it while Micah had a pear. When Penny had it out Vysa come running up and said "Chocolate please." Well, how do you resist such a precious reguest. We always share our snacks when we have extra with all the kids. Its like giving them a new toy or a hug.
Earlier today Natalia (our facilitator) called us and told us that she will be in by Thursday so she can go to the court house to get our court decreee and then we will get to pick up the boys Friday. She called today to confirm that she talked to the court and its a go!!! Praise God!!! We can't wait. I told Penny today that visiting our boys at the orphanage is like having 2 boys in jail and all you can do is visit them and you can't take them with you. Guess what? Friday we can!!!
One more thing then I have to go. We told Luke today that we were coming Friday to get them and take them to our "doma" (home in English) and he grinned ear to ear. We also asked him if he was ready to go and he shook his head and said "da" meaning yes. We were so happy. Of course we told Micah and he just grinned and went on about his business. He has a one track mind and when his mind is on something he usually doesn't hear a word you say.
Well, we love you all and God Bless to everyone of you who helped with this entire journey. Not just financially but also for holding us up in prayer and for all that has been done to make bringing these "once orphan" boys back to Southside, AL.
Have a blessed day and keep seving our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. There is nothing greater!!!
Love to all,
James, Penny, Luke, and Micah Holcombe
Well, prayers lifted up and prayers answered. Penny is feeling better and the paper work in on track. Thank you Lord. I can say that this leg of the journey is about to end but the real journey is just beginning. I know the joy that my children have brought us and the joy that they are still bringing us and I get so excited for both of you. The time change will take some adjustment but probably more for you than the boys due to the fact that they are a little bit younger and some times we grownups are a little slower adapting. I really cannot imagine how wonderful your bed - your own bed will feel after all of these weeks but I know it will be good. Remember Penny - rest, relax and then some girly time. When you get back here the weather is going to be so great that you may never be able to stay inside - all of you. You know how fall in Alabama is - Great. Take care and know that you are loved.
Just want to say I'm thinking of you all and praying for you. I look forward to reading about the boys and looking at the pictures that you post on this here blog or whatever you call it. The boys will add so much to your life you cannot imagine it yet, but as time goes on your life will be full and busy more than you know. I love you all. Looking forward to having you back in church.
If you want a picture of the lady with the goats, just strategically place your boys where she's in the background. Congrats on your two sons,jeri
You know your place on the list when I stopped to blog you before breakfast!! Cooper is down for a nap and caleb is at school and now is my time to catch a bite - and you all come before breakfast. :O)
PTL Penny is a little better - we're holding out for 100% better today! James and dancing - yep - it can go together . . . and a songwriter too - wow! Wait till Rachel, Randy and the Praise Team hear this! :O) Gotcha!
There is another blessing in this trip - you've got to miss some of this political mumbo jumbo that's being played out in the news now. Whew! what a whirlwind it is right now. My sustaining thought is that God is faithful to us through everything. EVERYTHING. Pastor is in prayer now (on the front porch) and I know your names are going up before the Father. My prayers are going up with the changing of diapers - - :O) hee hee. I guess I check this blog now - 4 and 5 times a day just to see if you have blogged anything new. Am I getting anxious?? Without a doubt!! It's tuesay morning here and I guess in the Ukraine it's probably tuesday evening - - so we are chopping away at the days. I've thought many times about the other children there. You being there - remember this - YOU being there to pray over them each day can and will change their lives. Prayer is powerful. Never underestimate those times that you look out across those faces and whisper that heart felt plea to GOd - - GOD HEARS!!! HE SEES! We are joined with you so you are not alone nor are you standing alone. Your family is holding you up. So your prayer is joined by the faith of MANY here at home. YES YOU WILL CHANGE THE LIVES OF THE REST OF THE CHILDREN TOO! In Jesus' name!!!!
OK - my stomach is growling - I am now going to fix me a bite - that is if Cooper maintains this little nap just a few more minutes. :O)
We're praying for the other Alabamians you told us about Heard anything more?
Love to you all
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