Hello to everyone. God did it!! It's all for His Glory!! Praise be to our Father God and our Saviour Jesus Christ!! Without them there is no way possible this could have happened. What a wonderful Kingdom we are part of. It makes me think of a song from the Crabb Family and it goes like this, My Jesus, My Saviour, Lord there is none like You, All of my days, I want to praise, the wonder of Your mighty love. It goes on to say, My comfort, My shelther, power of refuge and strength. Wow, how true it is. Their truly is none like Jesus. We love him so much. He has been our comfort and our shelther. We have gone to Him many times during this and still have about a week left to go to him even more times. But you know what? He has always answered every prayer that we have had during this adoption of our precious babies. He has healed us. He has given us strength. He has given us rest. He has given us a shoulder to cry on. He has blessed every move we have made here. All glory and honor be to our Lord and our Saviour Jesus Christ. If you have never dedicated your life to him or have wondered away from him, come back now!! He is so close to you right now that he just wants to come in and bless you and give you eternal life in Heaven with Him. Just say, Jesus, I have made a mess of my life but I know now that you will save me and change my life forever if I just confess that I am a sinner and I ask you to please forgive me now. I love you and I trust you. I now give my life to You. Thank you Jesus for loving me enough to pay for my sins by dying on the cross and then on the third day rising to Heaven to make a place just for me. I love you Jesus and Thank You for saving me.
Do it now. Your life will never be the same. Just ask me, my wife, and the two precious boys laying in the other room tonight asleep. Glory and all Honor to God!
Well now that I have said whats on my heart I want to tell you what happened today. As you may have already figured out. We picked up Luke and Micah from the orphanage today. I was a very busy day from the start. Nothing goes easy here in Ukraine. First we had to get the court decree and then regisiter it at the local registry office in Billa Servka. Well what would have taken about 30 minutes in the States took over 3 hours. We have to go to 2 other building that they sent us to. Its such a mess here. In every process you have to go to sooooooo many building to have everyone sign or notorize something. I told Penny one time that I was gonna line all the old folks at the hotel we were staying at and all the kids there and just let them start signing also. I mean by the time we were finished I just knew they would ask them anyway. LOL But to get back to the day. After that we went to the orphanage and met with the director there and of course, signed mooooore papers. But the wonderful news is that we did get to change the boys into their new clothes, lead them down the stairs and out the front door and into the car. Wow. They were soooooo happy and amazed about everything they saw. It was like they had been in prison for 2 years and just got out. They never stopped smiling and every car or truck we pasted it was, Machina (vehicle)!!!!!! They were soooooo excited. It just was like Penny and I had entered the twilight zone or something. It just didn't seem real to us and even tonight as I type this its still that way. Well we left Billa Serva coming back to Kiev which is were all this started when we flew in. It is the capital here in Ukraine. We didn't get to get the birth certificates today. We were stuck in traffic for over 2 hours. But the good news is that tomorrow the places we need to go to get them will be opened. So there again, Praise be to God.
Well after we got dropped off by our facilitator Natalia to get in Sasha's car (the director here for Lifeline adoptions) we went to were else, McDonald's and the boys got there first Happy Meal. They loved the toy the most of course. Penny and I got a burger and fries. Those were the best fries I think I have ever ate. We have ate just about the same thing every day at the hotel we were staying in, but praise be to God that we were fed every day and well taken care of.
After Micky D's we came to the same apartment we were in when we first go to Ukraine.
Its a nice apartment with a kitchen and plenty of HOT water. We have gone the past five day until today without any hot water. Well as you can see by the pics, the boys went absolutely crazy. Jumping on couches, chairs, and mostly the bed. They were completely unstoppable. Well then I was on the phone with Jana from Lifeline (she is truly family to us. Lifeline has been so wonderful to us, we love them all) and the boys decide to jump in the tub and start a bath and in went Penny, ALONE, and she messed up. They got crazy in the tub and she decided she was gonna give them both a bath without me and she realized what 2 wild boys on there first night in a tub together can muster up. LOL They were sooooooo funny and enjoyed it very much. As you can see in the pics, Micah looooooved having his hair dryed with a hair dryer. It was his first time with one. But Luke was afraid of it. You know, these boys have never experienced any of the things we take for granted. They have never had anything and everything is exciting to them. Well after all that we finally laid them down on the queen sized bed in the bedroom with us to get them to go to sleep. Well, here we go again. Try to get a 4 and a 5 year old to go to sleep when they are wound up like Pastor Mark on a Sunday morning and you got a job on your hands. Let me tell you, finally after a while they decide that sleep was good and now they are asleep with their mama in the bed and now im in the living room typing this. I think I will sleep out here. The couch folds out into a bed and their is enough room on the bed to maybe get one of my legs on it. We will try to get them to sleep in here tomorrow night but tonight was their first night away from the ophanage and their friends and we want to make them as comfortable as possible.
Well, it is almost 1am in the morning here and I have got to get some sleep. I did sneak in and get some pictures of them sleeping, I hope you enjoy them. Thanks and God Bless you all tonight for all you have done. Keep praying and talking to our Lord because dreams do come true. Here we are tonight.....The Holcombe Family. Love you all. James @--)------
Thank you Lord!!!! All day today I would think about all of you and I have been so excited to get home and look for these pictures and this blog. Thank you so much for sharing this time with all of us. What a blessing that you included us in this special time. Looking forward to your safe return to Alabama. I wonder what the boys are going to think about a whole city of people that speak with a Southern accent. Love you guys wait I forgot I'm Southern - love ya'll.
James - thank you for the pictures! Those little heads on the pillow - sound asleep - oh my! What a beautiful sight. Hey - you're gonna need a KING size bed to fit everybody on. Ha ha. It makes me remember my own little girls sleeping. I loved watching them sleep. Heart warming!! Life has now taken a whole different turn. You'll see the world through tiny eyes - and it's great!
and WOW - Your heart is reaching out to those that are without our Savior even from the Ukraine. The outreach team misses you - - but you never really stop reaching out - - - it's such a part of you!!
We are all counting really fast now - - trying to make the time go by faster. :O)
We had a big group from the church to go to the movie "FIREPROOF" tonight - and it was great. Mark cried - Bunch of folks cried and clapped at several points in the movie! There was a group from Bro. Charles Parris' church there too! So we had the majority of the theater covered with folks - that's always fun. (I'm trying to keep you informed on the stuff at church so you feel like you're here.) We're getting ready to do a Fall Festival thingie - I think it'll be on Nov 1. So get ready to sign up for duty - :O) the boys would have a lot of fun. We're gonna try to have like pony rides and games and stuff. IT's still in the first planning stage.
Have a fun day tomorrow gathering up those last few things you need and then - - GET OUT OF DODGE!
to the USA of course. :O)
Glad to hear all is going well! We missed you guys today and the orphanage was quiet without the Holcombes!
First of all, great news. I am so proud for you. They look great. God is an awesome God. We saw that all the way through.
Next, we stayed in that apartment in Kiev also. Hope you are coming home soon.
Tammy and Kevin
It's saturday morning here now and I'm checking on you all before I head out to do the do. You are probably still running around or in a line somewhere. :0)
Mark rushed me through the house to the front window this morning to watch the deer in the front yard - - jumping and running around playing. "Where the Deer and (well no antelope) play" :0)
I need to get him some binoculars - he loves watching the deers, turkeys and anything that wanders up.
Anxious to hear from you today.
I have looked over these pictures so many times. Such peaceful little faces asleep. And there's so many exciting thins ahead for them. AN AIRPLANE ride!! WOW - not many get to do that - Then there's all the newness of America for them to behold and experience!
Anxious to hear what news you have for today!
Love you!
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