Sunday, September 14, 2008

BRRR It's Cold

Greetings from Ukraine,

Today was very cold and light rain. The high was around 48 today and it will be in the 50's the rest of the week. We have looked everywhere for me a jacket or big sweatshirt but it seems that the sizes over here are a little different. I just figured I would layer what I have and will make it.

James feels better today. Please continue to pray for his sinus infection to clear up.

We went this morning to visit with the boys and it was too cold and wet to go outside. We attempted to watch the Lion King again but after a while they got into the toy closet and started playing. Just a reminder that the toys they have here are bits and pieces of toys. They would have Papa hold them up to reach something off the top shelf and when they were done they would put it back. We sure hope they keep that up when we get home.

The boys were really good today and we had a lot of fun. They also love to wrestle with James on the floor. It reminded me of Sunday's at Mom's with Kyle. Boy we will have to move the coffee table out of the way with 3 of them wrestling.

Yesterday James was unable to go visit the boys since he was sick so they were glad to see Papa today. When I went to get Micah yesterday he had a cleaning rag and was cleaning. Watch out Grandma I think we have another cleaner in the family. At least I know he would be able to work for Kim. I just don't think she could keep him focused on one thing long enough. I was excited to see them cleaning. They will be good little helpers for Mama.

The pictures of the children are from Micah's class. James also took a picture of their sleeping area.

Tonight Rick and Melissa decided they could not handle mystery meat one more time so we got a taxi and went for pizza. They loved it. It was a nice change and felt like date night. After we ate pizza we walked in the nearby market which is like an open flea market. We were trying to find Rick a toboggan but no luck. We did find the boys 2 sweatsuit outfits that have a jacket with them. After we got home we realized one size was too small. The lady spoke no English so when I held up 2 fingers because I needed two sets she must have thought that I needed one outfit for a 2 year old. Hopefully it will fit Rick and Melissa's little boy. If not we will donate it to the orphanage.

We also ran into a little lady at one stand that spoke a little English. She said she had visited the states at one time (New York) She was very friendly and we bought some plums for the boys from her.

Everywhere we go if someone realizes we are Americans they may say "hello" but that is all they can say. The children here at the hotel have started speaking to us just to hear us talk.

We have had a blessed day and look forward to hearing about our court date tomorrow.

Aultman's and Martha- Thank you so much for your comments.

Jon- what was up with Auburn? 3-2????

Kathy- you keep us laughing and encouraged!

Mom- I hope you are feeling better. We are praying for you.


With all our love,

Penny, James, Luke and Micah

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, it is anybody's guess as to the 3-2 score. I really hope that by the time you all get home that Auburn will have found their offense. At this time it is still missing. I am sure glad that James is feeling better. Penny when you get home just remember with 3 guys in the house, you will have to take some girly time for your own well being. But seriously, it is going to be so much fun when you get home. We look forward to getting to meet your guys. You and James give each other a big hug and say this is from Martha. Take care and stay encouraged. Love to you both.