Monday, September 15, 2008

Wrestle Mania

Well today was another extremely cold day. The highs were in the 40's and tomorrow is the same. We went to the orphanage this morning and took the boys out to play. We stayed out about 45 minutes and had to go back inside. It was too cold. Our ears were freezing. We also took the boys the plums we got at the market yesterday and they loved them of course.

While inside, James started wrestling and playing tackle with them. They loved it. They giggled and would try to run past him then he would grab them and throw them back down on the carpet. I believe we have a couple of linebackers. Micah may even be a running back. He got past James once. As you can see in the pictures Micah had on tights (we're not sure if that was from dance class or just due to the cold). The boys started wrestling each other then grabbing each others socks and pulling on them. The picture of them ducked down behind the bench is them trying to avoid Papa the tickle monster. They kept wrestling until Luke hit the back of his head on one of those wooden benches. He cried and I had to hold him for a while. He ended up with a nice sized goose egg on the back of his head. He is OK but is scared me so I automatically started praying for the Lord to heal his head.

After we left the orphanage we went back to the outdoor market. I was able to swap the outfit we bought yesterday and get the right size. We also bought the boys several toys to have at the apartment in Kiev when we go back there. We also found another backpack. We only brought one since we thought we were only getting one child. The one we bought has a 3D picture of batman on it and it says Bat Man. Must be a knock off but the boys won't know. We found some cute little slippers for them to wear when they are finally with us.

We love the outdoor market however; it is not for people who are claustrophobic. You walk up and down what seems to be a maze of vendors selling everything from clothing to pigs feet. Oh yes, I said pigs feet. We saw a freshly cut up pig and chickens. There are yellow jackets everywhere due to all the open food. Don't worry we didn't buy any of it. I think we will stick with mystery meat. We actually love the outdoor market because there are so many different things. Basically it is a huge mountaintop flea market with twice the amount of vendors and it's all new things.

After we shopped we went back to our favorite pizza parlor and ran into the missionary's we met from Memphis. We have added a picture of them and the pizza place. We were afraid to take pictures of the market. Some people get offended having their picture taken.

We spoke with Sasha and he said we could have a court date by Thursday so we will let you know as soon as we hear back from him.

James is feeling much better so thank you for all your prayers.

Martha- I agree that I will need some girly time eventually. I actually have 5 boys at home if you count our dogs.

I have a special prayer request. My grandfather (James Chapman) was admitted to the hospital last night. We are not sure of his dx yet when I spoke to my Mom early this morning.

We love and miss everyone,

Penny, James, Luke and Micah

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well looks like you are getting a feel for fall weather. It is cooler here but that means the 70's and 80's, nothing like ya'll are experiencing. Maybe it is just me but from the pics it looks as if the boys have more peace on their faces. I can hardly wait to hear how they react when you actually get them home. I know the grands can hardly wait to get a much anticipated hug. Prayers are going up that all of that will be very soon. Just keep your eyes on Jesus and remember these delays will pass. I am praying that the Holy Spirit will continually keep your spirits lifted and that you will feel His arms around you. Take care and Penny don't let the guys gang up on you. Love to you all.