Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Dancing with the Stars and in the Stars

Hello everyone! Penny finally let me type on the blog, praise God. Just kidding. I just let her do it. She is better at it than I am. I just wanted to tell you what a great and wonderful God we have. He is sooooooooo awesome. This adoption process has been all Him. He has guided the steps from the beginning and continues to bless our every step. We get impatient at times but we pray and God gives a good talking and we get back on course. Did I say that God is sooooooo awesome. I think that I did but I will say it again. We love Him so very much for our lives and giving us our new babies. We thank him for our family, friends, and church family. We miss you all so much and thank God for you everyday. Everyone has been so supportive and loving through all of this. I truly believe that if we will give the Father our will completely he will definetly be true to His word and bless you in a mighty way. He has us. We deserve no credit. We are just human beings. Jesus Christ deserves it all. Yet while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. I have so much more appreciation for Him now that we have been away from our family and friends so long and so far away. He has been right here with us and Penny's and my faith has grown so much and our prayer life is definetly stronger. Just to have Jesus to talk to and rely on has been everything. He is our everything. Praise be to God. Please, if you do not know how wonderful Jesus is, slow down, take time and get to know him and do His will (the Father's will). It will truly change your life. Just look up and talk to Him. He will listen and bless you. If you don't already attend a good church, go and fellowship. Get involved in a ministry and serve our Lord just buy sharing his love with others. That is what he wants. Feed the hungry, heal the sick, help the helpless. When you help them you are doing it for the Lord as well. Going to church on Sunday is great, you need too. But we are all called to do much more than that. Don't you see. He said if you love Me, you will do what I do. Share his love in all you do. His gave his life for you, can't you minister to others the way he tells us too. Read the Gospel of John then Acts. See who Jesus is so that we can try to be more like him. The definition for Christian is "being Christ-like." Are you trying to be like Jesus or just reading and talking about Him. He was born of a virgin, showed us in the gospels how we are to live, then died on a cross a horrible death to pay for our sins. But the best thing is, is that he rose on the third day and went to heaven to make a place for you and I so that if we have confessed him as our Lord and Savior when we die we will go straight to Heaven instead of what we truly deserve as sinners, which is Hell. If you are not sure right now that you would go to Heaven to be with Jesus just ask Jesus to come into you heart, give your life to him, turn from your wicked ways, and trust in Him 100% for the rest of your lives and He will come into your heart and save you right were you stand. Don't wait, do it now. Something could happen and you not live another minute here on this earth. One thing for sure is that you will die and you will go to Heaven or Hell. Ask Jesus to save you right now and He will do it. I love you. Praise be to God!

We are so blessed with 2 wonderful young boys that are full of life. I can't wait til they can speak english better so I can share the Lord with them. Our day today was a great one. The high was around 47 degrees with rain so we stayed inside. When we got to the orphanage Micah's class was going to the music room for dance and singing. They were so cute in their little tights and dance shoes. Micah was cute but I'm not sure he was into it. He kept yawning. The room was beautiful as you can see from the pics. After about 20 minutes they finished and we took Luke to Micah's room and we played inside for the remaining time. They love to wrestle with me and ride "the Big Papa" horse. I've got to lose weight and get into shape. They wear me out. How I love them. I can't wait to bring them home to meet all of our friends and family. I can't wait to dress them up for church and bring them to meet all of FWC and to hear our great praise and worship team (Micah loves to sing and dance) and see Pastor Mark's dance moves. (you know I love you brother). I miss you all. Thanks Martha Wallace for all your comments on our blog. They mean so much to us. Please, everyone, just take a couple of minutes and let us hear from you. We look forward everyday to checking our blog to see if anyone has responded. It's part of what keeps us going. Thanks so much. We love you all.

Our court date has not been set yet. We will probably hear something tomorrow. We should have it by friday. Then we will be only about 2 weeks from the friendly skies and Southside, AL.

About a week ago I was really down with the problems we were having with the adoption and I could just picture my dog Jagz jumping up in my lap. Wow how I cried. This whole thing has really made us so much stronger. Just as I was getting down I started to pray for a straight path and as soon as I did our facilitator called and gave us good news and since then its been so much easier. Have I said lately how sooooooooo very awesome our God is. To God be the glory. Please keep us in your prayers and we will see all of you very soon. We love you all.

Just wanted to say also that Paw Paw is much better today and is going home. Thanks for all the prayers. God answered them all. We praise you father.

To all the guys and you too Alison and Lindy, hope to see you all in a few weeks. I know Randy is probably sitting on the stool, knock him off for me and tell him to get to work. Allen I can't believe your leaving B&B. I need your help so we can get some work done there. I mean with Randy, Brad, and Craig.........we just can't make it. LOL Just kidding. I love you guys and thanks for everything Alison and Scott. You don't know how much we thank you for all you have done.

Well, I have to go now. Maybe Penny will let me right again someday soon. Who knows. Just kidding. My wife has been my rock. We have grown sooooo much together. You all be good and we love you. Keep looking to the skies, Jesus is coming soon. Bye for now.


Allison said...

Hey James,

So good to hear from you today. The boys are sooo cute and I can tell you and Penny are having a great time getting to know them. Randy said he didn't appreciate your comment about the stool. I told him you know him to well. We miss you and can't wait for ya'll to get home.

Anonymous said...

It is so special to see how God is continually lifting you up and bringing the two of you so close together. But just remember, when you get home and get a little rest (Ha! Ha! with a 4 and 5 year old). Penny will definitely have to have some girly time. It looks like you can see the end of the tunnel and that is so exciting. But even more exciting is the way that God has shown you His faithfulness and rest assured this will help to carry you through the future. I look forward to meeting these guys who are such a joy to you both. Be blessed and we will keep praying for your safe return soon.

Kenny Owensby said...

James & Penny,

Hi again from you crazy neighbor across the street. Just wanted to say that we miss seeing you guy's and that when ya"ll get back we will have a huge BBQ. Seeing you guy's so happy in the pictures with the boys brings tears to all our eyes. Is there anything I can do for you or anything you might need? You know all you got to do is ask. I was able to see the boy's new room and it is awesome I know they will love it. All day long all I see toys,toys,and more toys going in the house and makes me wish I was a kid again. James, Penny looks like she is having a ball with the boy's, meanwhile I do agree with her when she said in prior blogs that you do have a couple of football players because Southside really does need some good players. I enjoy reading your blog because it is so uplifting too me. Keep your spirits high and remember God is a faithful God and I truly believe that he has a special work for your whole family to do.
p.s. Kendall is doing great!!!!

need anything email me direct at kenny.owensby@tnb.com

Love ya"ll Brother,
Your crazy neighbor,