Friday, September 26, 2008

Little Men Trying to Fill Some Big Shoes

Happy Friday Everyone! One week and we pick up our boys. It will be here before you know it. Today the boys spent time wearing Mama and Papa's shoes. They were falling all over the place and giggling. A giggle in any language is the same (sweet to Mama and Papa's ears). They played with the flashlights for a little while. Luke kept getting his feelings hurt and kept crying because Micah has the one that was a little brighter. Also, Luke will not eat a banana with a bruise on it. He refused to eat his today because of a few bruises so Micah ate both. Micah could do a commercial for Life cereal. He'll eat anything.

We had a hard time trying to get the flashlight away from Micah when we left. I put it in my pocket and he kept searching all my pockets and even tried getting in my purse. He is a determined little boy.

The best news of the day. Rick and Melissa are official parents of Roma whose name will be Elijah, Alona who will be Annaleise, and Vysa who will be Jeremiah. The court was touch and go and they even had to call us and ask us to pray due to 2 key people not showing up for court but their facilitator came thru and the Judge awarded them custody. They are so excited. Thank you for all your prayers and lifting them up last night.

We have another big prayer request for the prayer warriors. Another couple that is here from Alabama and are in a different region were told they would not get a court date until October 17th! They sent out urgent emails and put out a message asking everyone to intercede for them that they will be able to get a court date sooner. They are going to go and meet with the judge to request a sooner date. They got here several days before we did so they are so ready to come home.

Today while waiting for a taxi at the orphanage a cat came up and was looking for some love. Sometimes we feel God sends animals to us like little angels to always lift our spirits. Mom- look real close at this cat. Doesn't he look just like Garth? We had some flavored marshmallows in our bag so I started feeding the cat one. He loved it. Now the other cat in one of the pictures is a wooden statue. I told James not to feed it. ha ha just kidding

This afternoon we went to the outdoor market. James tried to take a picture and they would not let him. The ladies were there selling chicken, pigs feet and this time there was a skinned rabbit and it still had the furry feet. That would bring a whole new meaning to lucky rabbit's foot. It looked very unlucky! We were able to get the boys each a jacket. There is one guy that sells 2nd hand clothes real cheap so we got 2 jackets for $16.00. I thought I had found me a jacket (that actually fit) when I asked the lady how much grivna she showed me a 3 and a 0 with her hand. I said dah (yes) let me try it on. Well what we thought was 30 grivna actually turned out to be 300. That's 60.00 USD so we did not get it. I think I can survive another 2 weeks.

We met back up with Rick and Melissa and had pizza for dinner. It was so delicious. We told Tola our driver nyet borsh at Dubrava. Which meant no soup at our hotel tonight. We have arranged for Tola to take us sight seeing tomorrow after we leave the orphanage. He has agreed to take 100 grivna to take us sightseeing. That's 20 USD and we will split it with Rick and Melissa. We want to get some pictures around town to give everyone a better idea of how the city looks.

Kathy- you keep us in stitches. We can just picture Pastor changing those breaks. We can't wait to get back to church and see everyone.

Pray we have hot water tomorrow. We did not have any today so we had to go European. That's means no bath to you and me. It came back on a little while ago so we got a shower really quick. Although, I'm not sure how clean the water really is but at least it was warm.

We had a full day of sunshine today. Yahoo! We love you and thank each one for your prayers and comments.

In His Love,

Penny, James, Luke and Micah


Anonymous said...

I see these little men trying to fill big shoes. I remember my children trying to follow daddy's footprints a lot of time along with wearing his shoes. Just walk carefully before them as I am sure you will-----you follow God--they will follow you. Trey is asleep now so I have time to do this blog thing-- I'm so proud I finally learned how or at least I think so.
I'm praying for the rest of your journey and for your little family.



Anonymous said...

Tell the baby - I totally understand the bruised banana thing!! I only eat the bananas that are firm, not too ripe and definitely NO BRUISES.Smart kid.
Hallelujah for Rick and Melissa!! They got 3 babies!! WOW! That's just awesome. Now we just gotta pray our fellow ALabamians through as well. God, do it again! Caleb is fishing with his Papa and Daddy. He helped Papa mow the grass and fix the mower and anything Papa was doing. He heard Mark say that we may go to a movie tonight - and the race is on to get to Mama to ask if he can go too. I love it. Mama is gonna get a little sad if she doesn't get to spend time with this fella. SHOES TODAY - and a million more things to enjoy and giggle about. Wait till they can talk fluently with you (it won't be long at all) You'll love seeing the world through their eyes. You'll wonder what in the world you actually did before you had them. Such a full life ahead. AHH - yep - proud mama and proud nana!!!! Yep, yep, yep.
Are you getting anxious like waiting for Christmas ????
What day are we on?? Next friday! YESSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Well I have been trying to settle down and write since early afternoon and finally I am getting to say a few words. I am very excited for Rick and Melissa. Can you believe it is only 1 week until you get the boys full time. It has been quite a journey and what a testimony of how God's hand has been on you all the way. It has been a busy week for us and I even took today off. It was good to be able to not think about work. I am so excited the guys like fruit of all kinds except with bruises. We were talking last night about how exciting it is going to be to introduce the boys to so many new things. Take care and know that you are loved and being prayed for - all of you.

Anonymous said...

I'm sitting here thinking ya'll should write a book someday about your experience. Man! You've seen (tasted/smelled...) some interesting things, I'm sure! We can't wait to meet the boys. They will pick up the language so quickly, especially when they spend some time with other kids. I've seen it at school over and over. They just learn it so easily in social settings. God bless!