Today was another lazy day at the Holcombe flat. We got up this morning and had breakfast. The boys like scrambled eggs and cheese toast. Luke likes to pull the cheese off of his bread and eat it. They have excellent cheese here in Ukraine. They played in their fort most of the day. Mama got busy cleaning the apartment and the boys helped. They both vacuumed and I cleaned the bathroom and kitchen. They are good little helpers.
After their naps we took them to the playground and played for a while. After playing we made another trip to the market and picked up some more groceries. They love to eat. We are starting to figure out Luke's likes and dislikes. Tonight we had some frozen pizza's and thought we were getting pepperoni pizza but it was salami. It was actually pretty good but Luke would not eat the salami. We ended up giving him bologna. For desert they had ice cream. They are getting to be more and more like their Poppy when it comes to ice cream.
Bedtime seems to really be a chore. I know this is a hard time for a lot of kids but the boys just want to giggle, play w/the covers and whisper. Eventually they will go to sleep but not until we have gone in there several times to get on to them. Hopefully at home it will be better since they will have separate beds.
They are picking up more and more on English. Luke calls Micah by his name all the time now. Micah on the other hand has to be reminded. They definitely know what the word spanking means. They also know chips, juice and I love you.
Our friends Rick and Melissa made it to Kiev with their kids. Hopefully we will get together in the next couple of days.
Moms, Marion and Karen- Thank you so much. God has used you to bless us in a big way. We love you!
Please continue to keep us in your prayers. We are believing to get out of here by Wednesday.
The Holcombe's
Well I know you are disappointed in not being able to leave but I know that you will be such an encouragement to Rick and Melissa when ya'll are able to get together. Since they have three children they may really need you. I have to ask, why would anyone put salami on pizza? It is wonderful that the children are learning some English while you are there and just know that they will learn it so quickly when they get home. Home - that is a word that they will love. I am looking forward to ya'll coming home and I know that ya'll can hardly wait. I also know that there are some grands that are about to pop to see all of you. About the bedtime thing, well not to discourage but you might as well expect that when you get home too. It's a kid thing. One name for it is "let's see how many times we can get Mom or Dad to come in here" not sure how many was my personal tops, it has been too long ago. Thinking about you and praying for you.
mmmm - Pizza and bolgna. Man, you have a lot of fun food ideas ahead of you - cause this one sounds like my brother!! He ate (may still eat) Bologna, mayonnaise, peanut butter and banana (all on the same) sandwich. Ugh! But he's a boy. I was thinking exactly what Martha said - don't look for easy bed times for awhile. I had 2 entirely different kids. One went to bed fairly easy - the other wanted to be up with mama all night - she was very curious and wanted to know everything that everybody did and said.
I am just getting back home (yes it's 10:30 pm) and just getting a chance to blog. We left yesterday afternoon to go to a meeting in B'ham and it lasted until about 4:30 today. Mark wanted to hang out at the bookstore and meet Steve Duccy (sp??) The blonde guy on Fox News - Well - he did and we got the book and a picture.
I am really beat - I've been in heels for 2 days and smiled more than is humanly possible but you have to really be good when your overseers are watching!! :O) :O) :O) :O)
WHEW! I'd take a long bubble bath but I'm afraid I couldn't muster the energy to get up out of the tub once I got in. HAHA!!!
I love hearing that the kids are picking up the language more and more! THe sweetest words you hear are "mama" and "papa" - aren't they?? Hey - I'll bet you've learned quite a bit yourself! You'll be a little bilingual family. :O)
Once again - - we are counting down for you. Hey - we'll count however we have to - - we're just gonna get it done!!! AMEN!
Much prayers - and love to you all.
SOrry - I just had to comment one more thing - I just got some of the picture up from your thingie yesterday - - - It's so neat. I have a set of those dolls behind you!! We bought them when a girl from Russia came over and did a presentation - Missions thing - and we bought them from her. WOW.
Love ya
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