It's hard to believe we have been here almost 8 weeks. It feels like we have lived here for 6 months. The pics are of St Andrew's and the playground we went to yesterday. Yesterday we we able to walk down to a better playground that was just redone. The boys had a good time. Well, at least I know Luke did. Micah woke up very ill from his nap. He finally started playing. We put them on a ride that goes around and around (merry-go-round)Micah got drunk and it was really funny.
We walked down the street to look for a market that Ben told us about. It was really small but had basically everything we needed. We were able to get enough for breakfast, lunch and dinner for 2 days. I bought some macaroni noodles, cheese, milk and butter. We had macaroni and cheese tonight with hot dogs. Wow, that has been the closest thing to home cooking since we left home. Micah loved it but Luke did not. I can't believe I have a picky child when it comes to eating. Take in mind this was not out of a box. I think it is a little hard adjusting Luke to different foods. I plan on trying to buy some things to make soup tomorrow.
Yesterday Natalya came by and took their pictures for their passports. Sasha came by today and picked up Luke's original birth certificate. He is going tomorrow to apply for the passports. We will go Thursday and get the boys medicals. Currently Sasha has someone translating all the paperwork to English and will make us a copy of everything. He said there is a possibility we could get the passports on Friday and go to the Embassy on Friday. We need everyone praying this will happen so we can get out of here by Saturday. We cannot afford to change our flight plans again. We were told we had open ended tickets and it would not cost to change but Northwest still charged us.
This morning about 3 am we heard some water and went to the bathroom and the hose that led into the the toliet had come off. We started praying really quick and James found whaere to cut it off. The plumber had to come out and fix it so we stayed here all day. After he left we thought everything was fine and then noticed a puddle in the bathroom again. We had to call them to come back out. It took a while but they finally got it fixed.
Well, I have 2 little rugrats sitting in my lap as I type with one hand so I will say good-night. Luke is wanting to play pinball.
In His Love,
Penny, James, Luke and Micah
YEA! BLOGGER GOING! We love you!
Here's Just an idea if you get stuck in the room with the boys - - (rain idea) Make a tent. Kids love it. Just drape a sheet or blanket across a chair or table and they have a cave to play in. At least it will be something different and will occupy them for awhile. :O)
Cooper is down for a nap - I had to work this morning doing layouts for tables - so this is the first chance I have had today to blog.
In the event you have to stay another day or so - don't discount divine appointments. I will tell you a story that I hope will help you in this event. I have held on to it for many years. When we pastored in Piedmont a lady told me of this that had happened to her. She kept getting delayed in trying to go to work one morning - everything kept her from getting out of the house and down the driveway!!! Finally, she conceded that God must be up to something so she prayed. Then - things moved and she was able to proceed to go to work. Down the road she came up on an accident - just as it had happened - no emergency vehicles or anything was there yet. The Holy Spirit told her to get out of her car and go. The car had overturned and a girl was pinned beneath the car - only her head and part of her arm was sticking out from under the car. She ran up to the girl and immediately the Spirit let her know what to say. Are you saved? No. Do you want to pray? Yes. The girl prayed with her and received Jesus only minutes before she died. She never has questioned delays again. We are here on assignment. We are here - - On assignment from the King of Kings! I will pray earnestly and fervently for you in the next few days! I think you already know that - but keep the faith - keep your chin up. Try to take advantage of actually being there in that land to pray and intercede for the people there and for salvation for that area. Your prayers avail much. You have the heart for evangelism - you can make a difference as you walk the streets. hallelujah!! I know you are homesick - I would be - But for this short time - consider yourselves missionairies (sp) on a prayer assignment. You are not alone - you have many friends - family and FWC family that is sooooo much behind you. You will not fail. You will succeed. You will accomplish all that God has intended for you life! AMEN and AMEN.
Love you so much
Pastor is praying for you now.
The pics are great and I know your return home is ever present on your mind. It is for so many over here at home too. I am so shocked that you have a child that did not want home made mac and cheese. Well, when you get home and make it I have 2 kids that will be glad to help you eat home made. Of course these kids are 30 yrs. old so you might have to make a little extra.(son & son in law). Seriously, prayers are going up that all will continue to go smoothly.Love to all of you. I am working right now so I may blog you later. You know a year ago I did not even know what a blog was.
Well I just read Martha's comment that she didn't know what a blog was until a year ago. I didn't know what a blog was until I saw yours! I am so behind in times. Your pictures are great as usual. You were talking about the boys eating, Hope and Trey are so different when it comes to food. Hope will not touch hamburgers but loves hot dogs and Trey will not touch hot dogs but loves hamburgers. Now they both love fries, I think that is something that everyone likes (even me). WE're believing everything will go smooth for you and you will be on your way home very soon, cause we miss you.
Hey folks! So, have you developed a Russian accent yet? Your church family is thinking about you and praying for you all the time- we're just not all as tech savvy as kathy and martha with the blogging all the time. :)
You are getting some quick "on the job" training on how to occupy young children, aren't you?? If they have Crayola, that can be a very good friend- markers, fingerpaints, crayons,etc. If they don't have them, you can always fingerpaint with chocolate pudding- yum!
Enjoy getting to know your little ones! We miss you!
The Smiths
We are praying for your Saturday departure! The kids look great! Things are going well for us...Court papers all done and yesterday we went to Kiev to sign the petitions. Today we drop off the paper work for the passports and move to Kiev with our kids. We'll keep you guys posted!
It's Wednesday morning here - and it's rainy today. Cooper is down for his nap - caleb at school so it's my time as you know by now. :O) You'll love this - Caleb went to school very reluctantly yesterday. HE had gone with his Dad to get a haircut the afternnoon before, to a barber shop - and got a haircut. Well, He didn't like his haircut at all. HE said the barber "talked too much". Hee hee. Then when I tried to get him ready for school the next morning - it was so funny. Here's this tiny little boy telling me "I'm just gonna wear a hat!" and "I'm not going to school looking like this" "It's too short" and "I'm just gonna quit school" and "It's terrible" I have been so amused at this little guy. How can he think of all that as little as he is and actually have an opinion!! Nana is constantly amazed - I love listening to the little fellas. They are entertainment at its BEST!!! I have always said the most fun you'll ever have is teaching the little guys in Sunday School - WHat a joy they are! You just can't stay in a bad mood when you teach them. well - for one thing you really can't keep you mind on yourself at all when you have them - that alone keeps your mind out of the mullygrubs.
Oh - as you are wondering - - we have totally been uplifting and supportive of Caleb's new look. We have affirmed him to the hilt of how handsome his new haircut is. He just kinda looks at us like mmmm mmmm. He ain't buying it yet. Ha ha
Well Nana needs to catch up on some housework while the baby is asleep. Love you much!!
Wonderful pictures! We too visited that same playground almost two years ago!
Congratulations on your two cuties! You are so close to the finish line - just hang on!
Best wishes!
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