Well in case you have not heard we have had another delay. The boys passports will not be ready until either Monday or Tuesday. This will put us leaving around Wednesday or Thursday. We are very disappointed but we know there is a reason. God was not surprised by this and He will continue to keep His hand on us. Please pray for our finances and that God will provide for us. We were not planning on being here this long.
Today we went with Sasha to get the boy's medicals done. They were very well behaved and did everything the Dr asked them to. Micah is 103cm and 35lbs. Luke is 104cm and 35lbs. We knew they were very close in size but did not realize it was that close. The Dr wrote down some nose drops for Micah. The tube leading from his sinuses to his ears is stopped up so we had to get drops for the plane ride. He said we could go ahead and start giving them to him so he could sleep better.
We went and had more photos of the boys for the Visa's and then Sasha dropped us off at St. Andrew's. We went inside and got some beautiful pictures and video. The view from outside was breathtaking. We were able to pick up a Ukrainian flag for the boy's to have in their room at home. We also took pictures of one of the vendor's booth. While by the SDA we ran into another family from Italy that adopted some of the kids from the same orphanage. All the kids got to say hello.
Tonight Ben came by and Micah asked him when we were going home. He told him soon. Ben also said he would help us get some more clothes for the boys since we are staying longer. It is very difficult to dry clothes with a hairdryer. We hang them on the line but it is so cold it takes days to dry.
As you can see in the pics the boys like to help Mama and they love brusing their teeth and taking baths. We are very blessed to have such perfect little angels.
We love you and continue to cherish your prayers.
Well that just stinks:(
Good gosh, James's facial hair grows really fast. He's already back to normal:)
Jake's eye is healed.
We love you.
Well for some reason you will be there for a few more days. We may not know the reason but that is part of the wonderful of faith - we don't have to know. God is continuing to watch over you and you will be home before you know it. And this way the nose drops will have time to take effect before the plane ride. I know this is a disappointment for you both but know that you are being lifted up in prayer and our God is all sufficient. He will take care of you in everey way. Love to all of you.
Well I have wondered how to do up the front of our church. Maybe the photos give us some ideas ????? :O)
The steps of a righteous man are ordered by the LORD. No one else - They are ordered by the LORD. We have his word on that!!
Is that a tent in the piture?? LOve it - I just love it.
Today is HECTIC with a capital HECTIC. Some days get this way.
Much prayers go with you for these enduring days. Your patience will grow by leaps and bounds!!!!
Love you
I know you are disappointed, but trust in God and try to take this little vacation with the boys. I wanted some words of encourgement for you so I picked up my little book of devotions and this is what I opened to:
"Let me encourage you. God never said that the journey would be easy, but he did say that the arrival would be worthwhile.
Remember this; God may not do what we want, but he will do what is right.....and best. He's the Father of forward motion. Trust Him. He will get you home. And the trials of the trip will be lost in the the joys of the feast."
That was from Max Lucado's book "MOCHA with MAX". Since it was one of the first pages I turned to it must have been for you to hear. Hang on, It'll be over soon!
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